Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Starting FPC compiler changed to 2.6.4

The starting FPC compiler (used to compile the latest trunk FPC) has been 2.6.2 for some time now. This has changed recently; to compile the latest trunk FPC you need FPC 2.6.4 which has not yet been pushed to official repositories. At the moment the easiest work-around is to upgrade to FPC 2.6.4 using Petr Hložek's PPA:

~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ok2cqr/lazarus
~ $ sudo apt-get update
~ $ sudo apt-get upgrade
~ $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

After the upgrade, your /etc/fpc.cfg is once more a symlink pointing to /etc/alternatives/fpc.cfg which itself is a symlink pointing to /etc/fpc-2.6.4.cfg. If you're following my previous notes you'll need to redirect /etc/fpc.cfg to your ~/Development/fpc.cfg again:

~/Development $ sudo rm /etc/fpc.cfg
~/Development $ sudo ln -s ~/Development/fpc.cfg /etc/fpc.cfg